Friday, August 2, 2013

amsterdam part.2

so like i mentioned in my previous post, we didn't just go to amsterdam. after slowly weeding off friends (you guys totally should have stayed... it wasn't the same without you) my friend kier and i headed to brussels.

we had heard that antwerp wouldn't keep us entertained for two days. we heard of a little place for a day trip called brugge. we heard that it had good pretzels and beer. so we went. haha. and it was TOTALLY WORTH IT. man i loved that little canal locked city. that was easily one of my favorite things that we did the whole trip. sometimes you have the most fun doing the things you never planned.

the following day we went and explored antwerp. or antwerpen. what ever floats your cultural boat. anyway, i have to say that the city surprised me. after walking a few blocks out of the jewish quarter that we were staying in antwerp transformed into beautiful old buildings and modern business people bustling around the streets. that afternoon we traveled to brussels. but that is for another post.

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