Thursday, July 12, 2012


Shortly after arriving in Milan and getting a good look at the city, we decided we were going to "knock it out" in a day. This way we could go on a day trip to somewhere else nearby. Lucky for us, everything is nearby!! We had originally thought Pisa for the day. I have always wanted to see the leaning tower and it looks closest on the map (which is a lie by the way, it is faster by train to go to rome). Reyes, however, told us that Pisa is pretty and it does have the tower, but it is really boring. So! As a solution we added Florence into that day trip, so if we were to go there we would see both cities. The other option was to go to Rome. After an extensive pro/con list we decided to go with Pisa and Florence!! The rest of our days in Milan went like this: fist day, Milan. We saw the Duomo which was really pretty, but really strict. They wouldn't let me go inside with my shorts (which were not short!) but whatever t was pretty from the outside. Then we spent a good chunk of time exploring the Castillo's many museums. After that we grabbed paninis and went "shopping" (but really we just got very lost). I did manage to get a really cute new dress though! :) So several hours later we had stopped in at home base to pick up our tickets to try to go get our money back/make reservations, successfully made reservations, unsuccessfully received our $116, been eaten alive by mosquitoes(so. many.mosquitoes.), and rested for like an hour to escape the heat. That night we went to the canals (more mosquitoes) for dinner and went straight to bed only to wake up at 5:00 for our train to Pisa!

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